Can I Use Different Oil in My Car

Can you add engine oil from a different brand?

If a vehicle has been serviced with another lubricant brand, can you only add engine oil of the same brand? Or can you use the perfect equivalent of another brand?

Technical Expertise

One thing is clear: specifications are key.

You can add any engine oil as long as it has the right specifications — preferably with an official approval of the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer).

Not the brand, but the specification and viscosity indicated in your car's manual are your reference for using the right oil.

So can I add Wolf engine oil, even if the last oil change was with another brand?

Yes. All Wolf lubricants are manufactured following the correct formula, both base oils and additives, prescribed by the additive supplier in order to comply with the specification needed.

Whether used for top up or an oil change, Wolf products can always replace another brand. In some cases, our products offer an even better level of quality because we only use first quality base oils.

How to add engine oil

Before topping up, check the oil level of your car.  Here's how:

Switch off the engine
Park the car on a level surface and make sure the engine has been switched off for at least five minutes.

Locate and clean the dipstick
Open the bonnet, locate the dipstick and remove it and wipe off the oil using a clean cloth. Look for the oil level marks on the end of the dipstick. There are  minimum and maximum level indicator lines.

Whether used for top up or an oil change, Wolf products can always replace another brand

Check the oil level

Check your current engine oil level by pushing the dipstick slowly all the way into its tube, then pulling it out again. The oil level should be between the upper and lower level marks. If the level is near the lower mark, you need to top up the oil.

Top up with the right oil

If you need to top up your oil, remove the oil filler cap. Pour in some oil and wait a few seconds for the oil to drain down to the bottom of the engine and then check the level again. Add some more if necessary, taking care not to overfill it.

Why is regularly adding engine oil so important?

Oil is to an engine what blood is to the human body: absolutely vital. It simply can't run without it.

Engine oil acts as a cushion between moving parts, keeping engine components from coming into contact with each other, and providing protection from wear and tear.

Modern engines typically use approximately 1 litre of oil every 5,000 kilometres. This means you need to check and top up oil levels between services (nowadays up to 30,000 kilometres).

Aim to check the oil level every month – and always before a long journey.

Have a spare litre of top up oil

Does the warning light on your dashboard light up? Then it is of the utmost importance to top up your oil.

The light indicates that the oil level is at the lowest level allowed, and failing to top up will cause serious problems or even an engine breakdown. An expensive affair, in any case.

Our advice is, therefore, to have one litre of the right top up oil in your car at all times.

And if you don't have the right oil to hand? Our advice is to add another engine oil, but at least of the same viscosity.  Then drive to the nearest garage and have an oil change with the right engine oil.

Other lubricants need topping up, too

It's not just oil that needs topping up.

Fluids such as these need refilling on a regular basis:

  • brake fluid
  • power steering
  • radiator coolant
  • Adblue
  • and windscreen washer fluid.

Most modern cars have indicator lights for these fluids on the dashboard, which tell you when to top up or even change the liquid completely.  Your garage will top up or change these fluids, except maybe for the windscreen washer fluid.


  • Not the brand, but the specification and viscosity indicated in your car's manual are your reference for using the right oil.
  • Whether used for top up or an oil change, Wolf product equivalents can always replace another brand.
  • Instructions to add engine oil.
  • Adding engine oil is important because oil is to an engine what blood is to the human body: absolutely vital.
  • Our advice is to have one litre of the right top up oil in your car at all times.

tags: technical, maintenance

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Can I Use Different Oil in My Car


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