How to Tie a Bowline Knot Fast

Fastest Ways to Tie a Bowline,
Bowline Variations

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This page focuses on alternate ways to tie a bowline (such as the ultra-fast slipped knot method) and on bowline variations such as the Yosemite finish. However, just as a reminder, here is a pictorial of the classic way of tying a bowline, taken from my page of most useful knots. Remember the riddle: the rabbit (or snake) comes out of the whole, goes around the tree, and goes back into the hole.

bowline bowline bowline bowline

Bowline from a Slipped Knot (Lightning Method)

There several ways of tying a bowline faster, and on this page I present all of those I know. Of all these ways, the "lightning method" (also known as "Jedi method" of "rapid method") is the fastest. You make a simple slip knot, thread the working end through the loop, tighten and dress… VoilĂ !

There are a few things to keep in mind, though, otherwise this marvellous operation might go wrong:

- Orientation matters. The method I show here makes the slipped knot at the left end of the rope. If you want to memorize the Lightning Method in the orientation I show, remember always to tie the slipped knot at the left end.

- The working end should come through the back of the slipped knot's loop. If it goes through the front, you will get a cowboy bowline (ABOK #1034½).

- A bit of care must be taken in the pulling and tightening phase so that you end up with a properly configured bowline. For this reason, I only recommend the rapid bowline to those who have the image of a perfect bowline already etched in their minds.

lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot
lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot
lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot

The pictures above show a lone loop that loops around nothing. That's good, but sometimes you want to go around a tree, or through a ring. You can easily do that by taking the working end around the tree or through the ring before going through the slipped knot's loop. Substitute one of the images below to the second image above.

lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot lightning bowline - rapid bowline from a slip knot

Double-Knotted Bowline, Lightning Method

On my page of "most useful knots", I mention my fondness for the round-turn bowline (a.k.a. bowline with two turns or double-knotted bowline, ABOK #1013). If you know the lightning method above to tie a simple bowline, you also have an ultra-fast way of tying the round-turn bowline. Just start with two loops when you make your slip knot, like for a fast double overhand sliding loop. Everything else is the same.

For the reasons mentioned above in the presentation of the lightning method, this is a method best learnt once you've forever committed the proper shape of a bowline to memory.

lightning method to tie a round-turn bowline from a double overhand sliding loop lightning method to tie a round-turn bowline from a double overhand sliding loop
lightning method to tie a round-turn bowline from a double overhand sliding loop lightning method to tie a round-turn bowline from a double overhand sliding loop
lightning method to tie a round-turn bowline from a double overhand sliding loop lightning method to tie a round-turn bowline from a double overhand sliding loop

Making a Bowline from an Overhand Knot

In my estimation, this the second fastest way of making a bowline. I like it a lot. It starts with a simple overhand knot. If I'm going through a loop, I'm as likely to use this method as the "lightning method" presented above.

After you make the overhand knot, yank hard on the short end so the knot assumes the aspect on the picture. This brings you to a place where "the rabbit has already come out of the hole." It just needs to go around the tree and back into the hole.

making a bowline from an overhand knot
making a bowline from an overhand knot making a bowline from an overhand knot making a bowline from an overhand knot

Making a Bowline with One Hand

If you ever fall off a boat and someone throws you a rope, knowing how to tie a bowline with one hand could be useful. On the pictures, the rope loops behind my waist. The idea is that while the left hand hangs on to the rope for dear life, the right hand ties the bowline.

one-handed bowline one-handed bowline
one-handed bowline one-handed bowline one-handed bowline

This method is also popular with mountaineers, who sometimes have to tie knots with one hand. Typically, the initial loop might be in front of you rather than behind your waist. If you mentally imagine closing the loop that is cut off at the bottom of the pictures, you will see that the method is identical.

Yosemite Bowline

Apparently, this variation to the bowline is popular with some climbers—perhaps near California's Yosemite National Park? What I like about the "Yosemite finish" is that when you tie it, there is a stage when a Figure-Eight appears: I find it fun to combine elements of the bowline and of the figure eight, two iconic climbing knots. What I don't like about the Yosemite finish is that it tends to change shape when you put tension on it, so that you end up worrying if you have the "right knot".

The finish may look complex at first, but it's easy to remember once you understand the principle. Start with a regular bowline, as in the first picture. Now look at how the "long end" of the rope (the so-called "standing part") comes out of the "hole" at the top. With the working end, just follow that long end on its journey out of the hole, making sure to finish on the "inside" of that long end.

Bowline with Yosemite finish Bowline with Yosemite finish Bowline with Yosemite finish

This is my most confusing pictorial, I might redo it some day. :)

Other Bowline Variations

There are many, many other bowline variations and applications—too many to document here. I only present the ones I use or like.

On my page with "Other Best Knots", you'll find an application I enjoy knowing, the bowline with two loops (a rescue knot).



My knot site has more pages. You can follow the links for the index of knots or most useful knots, or find the list of knots pages at the top left of this page.

How to Tie a Bowline Knot Fast


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