If there is one age that I patiently waited for my kids to reach, it was 3-4 years old, the preschool years. If you are a creative type, you probably are also excited about these years because it's the age kids can really start trying projects, particularly ART. Engaging art at this age sets the stage for a lifetime love of creativity, in fact I believe the best preschool art projects are the foundation for creative thinking, exploration and problem solving.
I urge anyone working with kids this age whether they are your own or those you teach or care for to make sure that when choosing art projects for 3-4 year olds you select ideas that are open-ended with plenty of opportunities to explore. What you really want to foster at this age is a love of play and creating, avoid projects with complicated steps or things that are too crafty, instead try process art, and art projects with a science twist to make them even more magical.
Top Tips for Art with Preschoolers
Embrace the mess. The best way to be able to embrace messes is to plan for it. Cover work surfaces in butcher paper or take really messy ideas outside. No one will enjoy a project if you are stressed about the mess which at this age is inevitable and should be a welcome part of the exploration.
Step Back. Adults should set up the projects and facilitate them as needed but please take step back and let the children explore on their own. Let them take chances and play with the materials at hand. In fact doing this often yields off-shoot projects that are just as fun!
Keep it short! Preschool aged children are like whirlwinds of energy and interests. Don't expect them to sit still for long so choose projects that can be accomplished quickly.
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20+ Preschool Art Projects
Some of these projects are best suited for older preschoolers because they involve more advanced fine motor skill development; I have noted them Pre-K.
1. Cosmic Suncatchers
(Pre-K) These suncatchers have a magical outcome for a minimum of effort! All you need are glue, food coloring and a little patience…
2. Stencil Process Art
A great introduction to process art, gather up an old sheet, paint and rollers plus some textured items and stencils and have fun!
3. Dip Dyed Craft Sticks
This super simple project doubles as a lesson in color mixing and absorption.
4. Bike Spin Art
I cannot tell you how worth the prep and mess this is! My whole family had a blast with it!
5. Pasta Suncatchers
(Pre-K) A fun use for dyed pasta- turn them into colorful suncatchers.
6. Rainbow Tree
The next time a large branch falls in your yard, save it! This is a wonderful group art project and lasts for years if you use acrylic paint (just be sure to wear smocks or messy clothes as acrylic permanently stains clothes). You can substitute washable paint for a non-permanent version.
7. Watercolor on Tile
Paint your patio! Or the driveway! This will work on concrete as well and washes off in a few good rains.
8. Yogurt Spin Art
(Pre-K) Totally irresistible… Adults will need to prep the tops, but kids can help mix the paint and spin the tops for some crazy spin art fun!
9. Salty Rainbows
(Pre-K) My daughter invented this project! You can do this in groups by spreading a thin layer of salt on the bottom of a tray.
10. Shaving Cream Marbling
A classic art project for a reason! This process makes lovely marbled paper.
11. Muffin Tin Prints
This produces a massive amount of art very quickly! I love how it encourages children to think about creative ways to make art.
12. Pulled String Art
Pulled string art is one of the coolest classic art projects you'll ever try! And it doubles as a wonderful math art project for kids.
13. Edible Mosaics
This doubles as a snack idea! First use your fine motor skills to cut and create mosaic piece of art, then eat it!
14. Resist Art
A classic art project that is always a hit with kids!
15. Blow Painting
Everyone LOVES this project! Kids can create art without even touching the paper! See the picture above.
16. Instant Scratch Art
(Pre-K) Using oil pastels makes this easier to apply the two layers of color. This is fun for all ages!
17. Diffusion Art
A simple color mixing experiment featuring science!
18. Ice Chalk Painting
Get the recipe for ice chalk here
You will also need squeeze bottles filled with a mixture of vinegar and water. SAFTEY NOTE: Vinegar can sting the skin so be sure to let your children know to only squeeze the vinegar/water onto the chalk.
We placed an old white sheet on a table and the kids dissolved the ice chalk using a mixture of water and vinegar. Bonus: When everything is melted the chalk turns into oobleck!
19. Easy Wire Sculptures
(Pre-K) To make this easier to prep, substitute inexpensive air dry clay for the wood blocks.
20. Styrofoam Patterns
(Pre-K) A great way to develop fine motor skills. WARNING: You'll probably start hoarding styrofoam trays just for their awesome textures after this….
21. DIY Paints
Not only are these three paints taste safe, kids can help make them. The pudding paint makes a wonderful homemade finger paint!
22. Homemade Paint Brushes
A great STEAM project for preschoolers that asks them to problem solve. Set out some clothespins and assorted materials and ask them to make and paint with homemade brushes. Check out some of the fun materials we tried here.
23. Washable Graffiti
Sidewalk chalk on black canvas. A wonderful alternative to the typical blank white canvas.
24. Burlap Embroidery
(Pre-K) A simple introduction to sewing using shoelaces and burlap.
25. Rainbow Spin Mixing
One of our favorite ways to explore color mixing! Squeeze the primary colors onto a coffee filter, spin them in an old salad spinner and BAM you have new colors!
I hope this list of preschool art projects gets your children interested in creative exploration.
You have been waiting for this age, time to start making! And don't be dismayed if your kids aren't interested in a particular project, it doesn't mean they don't enjoy art.
In fact join the Babble Dabble Do community and I'll send you 5 secrets to connecting with kids through creative projects.
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